• 9:00am in the Fellowship Hall

    • Fellowship, donuts & Coffee

    9:30am throughout the building

    • Sunday School Hour with classes for all ages

    10:30am in the Sancturary

    • We gather for worship through prayer, responsive reading, song (hymns), preaching, and response

  • 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall

    • We share a meal together. Most weeks we have pizza from Main Street pizza for $5 per person or $15 per family

    6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall

    • Worship in responsive liturgy, song, prayer, and Holy Communion


    • Adults stay in the Fellowship Hall for a time of worship through preaching and response

    • Youth and children break into age appropriate groups for small group bible study and discipleship time


    • Dismissal

Sunday Worship

We have a traditional style worship service that begins at 10:30am each Sunday morning. We worship with hymns, prayer, and responsive liturgy.

Wednesday Worship

We have a modern style worship service that begins at 6:30pm each Wednesday. We worship in song, prayer, responsive liturgy, and by celebrating Holy Communion together.